Knowledge Base & Support

Getting Started with Format Conversion

This article describes the Vercator conversion service. This service allows the conversion between supported file formats as below.

Input: ptx, pts, e57, laz, las, ply, Faro fls*, Z+F zfs, Riegl rdbx

Output: xyz, ply, pts, e57, las, laz, Autodesk rcs

*fls folders are not currently supported in the conversion service

Conversion projects are accessed from the top navigation bar by selecting File Conversion as shown below.


The Add Project button allows you to start a new conversion job. This takes you to the conversion workflow where you can add a name and description.

Then click Next to add the scans to be converted and set the format to convert them to.

Once ready you can click Start Processing and you will receive an alert to say you will be charged at the tariff for conversion on successful completion. On acceptance, the processing will start. On completion the converted scans will appear in the view with download buttons to get the scans. The converted scans are stored in the same folder in the Vercator storage as the original files are located.